A Record Of Insight
The Elway Poll receives a good deal of attention for its comprehensive, independent analysis of elections and ballot issues. But that is only part of the story. Month after month, our subscribers gain insights into public issues and politics not available from any other source. We explore issues in depth, we monitor voter priorities, and we track the performance of elected officials as seen by the voters. Over the last 14 years, we have tracked public opinion on the issues listed below, and more. Most of the issues listed have been the subject of more than one survey.
Accountability of Government
Affirmative Action
- Economic Impacts
- Potential Departure
Budget Priorities, State Govt.
-State Spending
Business Climate
Business Ethics
Campaign Finance Reform
Christian Conservatives
Crime/ Violence
Consumer Confidence
Divided Government (Party Polarization)
- Local
- Regional
- Charter Schools
- Higher Education
- School Vouchers
- Teacher Evaluation
Election Reform
Employment Issues
Energy Issues
Environmental Issues
Foreign Policy
Fish/Wildlife Commission
Gambling in Washington Tribal
Gay / Lesbian Rights
Gill Net Fishing
Government, State
- Representation
Governor, Job Ratings. Every 6 months
Growth Management
Gun Control | Health Care Reform
Information Sources on Government
Iraq War(s)
Judiciary as seen by Lawyers
King County/ Seattle Issues
- Economic Needs
- Transportation System
- Third Runway
- Seattle Commons
- Representation
Light Rail
Liquor Stores, State Ownership
Local Officials, Biennial Survey of
Makah Whale Hunt
Media Coverage of Campaigns
Medical Malpractice
Primary Election System
Property Rights
Puget Sound Priorities
Salmon / Columbia & Puget Sound
School Levy Requirements
Sin Taxes
Sports Stadium Votes
Talk Radio
Tax Reform
Tax Revolt
Term Limits
Three Strikes Law
Tobacco Settlement
Trade Transportation / Traffic
Voter Outlook Index (Every 4 Months)
Voter Issue Priorities
Voter Typology Profiles
Water Shortage
Welfare Reform
Women In Politics
Work - Job Satisfaction |